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Dr. Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi

Areas of specialization:

Ancient Philosophy, Virtue Ethics, Moral Psychology

Areas of competence:

Political Philosophy, Ethics and Philosophy of Mind


Personal website

 I work especially on Aristotle’s ethics and philosophy of mind, but I have broad interests in other ancient traditions. I also enjoy exploring the relevance of ancient views for contemporary philosophy of mind and ethics. I wrote my Phd under the supervision of Ursula Coope and Jessica Moss at the University of Oxford. Then I spent a year at the Thumos research group in Geneva. In my Phd thesis, Ethics for Rational Animals, I explore the links between Aristotle’s cognitive theory and his ethics. As a Polonsky Fellow, I will work on a project concerning the links between Aristotle’s work on ethics, biology and psychology.


  • “Harmonia, Melos and Rhythmos. Aristotle on Musical Education” in Ancient Philosophy 36 (2):409-424, 2016